It came to my attention today that a female hoarder who used to live in Houston AK is at it again in Wasilla. Approx 10 years ago I dealt with Sunny when she had a couple hundred cats in her place, most living in small cat carrier cages. No spay/neuter, so they were multiplying and she was breeding St Bernards. Took me almost a year to get something done. Luckily Houston Animal Control was just formed and was able to take care of the issue when someone out there complained. (they did do some good in their time, unlike the current issues). The Alaska Humane Society took most of her cats at that time. I recall being told the judge told Sunny if it happened again, she would end up in jail. Well, it's happening again, this time I believe with dogs. We are contacting MatSu Animal Contol in the hopes that they can do something about this. I don't believe anyone yet knows of the extent of the problem. All I know, is that by public record, there was an eviction hearing today. I hope the powers that be can catch her and stop this terrible hoarding once and for all.
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